Jackson Tatjana
Graduated from Moscow State University (Philological Faculty, English Department) in 1973.
Passed the post-graduate course at the Institute of History of the USSR in 1973–1976.
Defended the candidate thesis (“Icelandic Kings' sagas as a source for the history of Old Russia and the neighboring lands in the tenth to thirteenth centuries”) in 1978.
Defended the doctorate thesis (“Old Russia in Old Norse written sources of the ninth through the fourteenth centuries”) in 1995.
Since 1996 – doctor of history.
The author of more than 270 publications mostly devoted to the Old Norse written sources for the Russian history and Russian-Scandinavian relations of the early Middle Ages, among them more than ten monographic studies.
Main publications
- Old Russian Towns in Old Norse Literature: Texts, Translations, Commentaries. Moscow 1987. 208 pages (with G.V. Glazyrina, in Russian).
- Icelandic Kings' Sagas as Sources for the History of Russia and the Neighboring Lands in the Tenth through the Thirteenth centuries, Drevnejshije gosudarstva na territorii SSSR. Materialy i issledovanija. 1989–1990 gody. Moscow «Nauka» 1991, p. 1–169 (in Russian).
- Written Sources for Karelian History. Petrozavodsk 1990. 140 pages (with S.A. Kozkurkina and A.M. Spiridonov, in Russian).
- Icelandic Kings' Sagas about Eastern Europe (from ancient times till 1000). Texts, translations, comments. Moscow «Nauka» 1993. 304 pages (in Russian).
- Icelandic Kings' Sagas about Eastern Europe (the first half of the 11th century). Texts, translations, comments. Moscow «Ladomir» 1994. 256 pages (in Russian).
- Old Russia in Old Norse Written Sources of the Ninth through the Fourteenth Centuries. Doctorate dissertation in the form of a lecture. Moscow 1995. 61 pages (in Russian).
- Scandinavia: Gods and Heroes. Tver’ «Polina» 1996. 80 pages (in Russian).
- Old Rus in the Light of Foreign Written Sources: A Students’ Book. Moscow «Logos» 1999. 608 pages (with M.V. Bibikov, G.V. Glazyrina, I.G. Konovalova, E.A. Melnikova, A.V. Nazarenko, A.V. Podossinov, in Russian).
- Old Rus Through the Eyes of Mediaeval Icelanders (Russian Studies in World History and Culture. Vol. 3). Lewiston–Queenston–Lampeter «The Edwin Mellen Press» 2000. 389 pages (in Russian).
- Icelandic Kings' Sagas about Eastern Europe (middle 11th — middle 13th centuries). Texts, translations, comments. Moscow «Ladomir» 2000. 366 pages (in Russian).
- Four Norwegian Kings in Old Rus: From the History of Russian-Norwegian Political Relations of the Late Tenth — Middle Eleventh Centuries. Moscow «Languages of Russian Culture» 2000. 188 pages (in Russian).
- Austr í Gördum: Old Russian Place-names in Old Norse Sources. Moscow «Languages of Slavonic Culture» 2001. 180 pages (in Russian).
- Гидрография Восточной Европы в древнескандинавских источниках // Джаксон Т.Н., Калинина Т.М., Коновалова И.Г., Подосинов А.В. «Русская река»: Речные пути Восточной Европы в античной и средневековой географии. М., 2007. С. 273–353.
- Icelandic Kings’ sagas on Eastern Europe: Texts, translations, commentaries. Second improved and enlarged edition in one book. Moscow, 2012 (in Russian).
- Древнескандинавское пространство // Джаксон Т.Н., Коновалова И.Г., Подосинов А.В. Imagines mundi: античность и средневековье. М., 2013. С. 279–419.
Papers in Russian
- «Austrvegr of Icelandic Kings' sagas», Istorija SSSR, 1976: 5, p. 164–170.
- «Scaldic stanzas in Icelandic Kings' sagas (To the question of reliability of the Kings' sagas as sources for the history of the peoples of the USSR», Teorija i praktika istoznikovedenija i arheografii otezestvennoj istorii. Moscow 1978, p. 29–38.
- «Icelandic King's sagas as a source for the history of Old Rus' and the neighboring lands in the 10th to the 13th centuries». Candidate dissertation thesis. Moscow 1978. 24 pages.
- «On the methodology of studying Russian data in Icelandic Kings' sagas», Metodika izuzenija drevnejshih istoznikov po istorii narodov SSSR. Moscow 1978, p. 128–143.
- «Scandinavian Kings in Russia (On the methodology of Icelandic sagas’ study)», Vostoznaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekovje. Moscow 1978, p. 40–48.
- «An Icelandic saga on the Norwegian assault in the Austrvegr in the late twelfth century», VIII Vsesojuznaja konferentsija po izucheniju… Skandinavskih stran i Finljandii I. Petrozavodsk 1979, p. 139–141.
- «Bjarmaland, Old Rus’ and terra incognita (Some notes on the methodology of Icelandic sagas’ study)», Skandinavskij sbornik XXIV. Tallinn 1979, p. 133–138.
- «Icelandic Kings’ sagas as sources for the history of Eastern Baltic», Letopisi i khroniki 1980. Moscow 1981, p. 27–42.
- «Once again on Stora Svitjod», IX Vsesojuznaja konferentsija po izucheniju… Skandinavskih stran i Finljandii I. Tartu 1982, p. 151–153.
- «Icelandic Kings’ sagas on Russian-Scandinavian matrimonial contacts», Skandinavskij sbornik XXVII. Tallinn 1982, p. 107–115.
- «On the creative activity of the author of Heimskringla (To the problem of writer intrusion)», Drevnejshije gosudarstva na territorii SSSR. Materialy i issledovanija. 1981 god. Moscow 1983, p. 147–174.
- «On the name Gardar», Scando-Slavica 30 (1984), p. 133–143.
- «Finnar in Ynglinga saga», Drevnejshije gosudarstva na territorii SSSR. Materialy i issledovanija. 1982 god. Moscow 1984, p. 56–61.
- «Suzdal’ in Old Norse literature», Drevnejshije gosudarstva na territorii SSSR. Materialy i issledovanija. 1984 god. Moscow 1985, p. 212–228.
- «Old Norse written sources for the history of the European part of the USSR», Voprosy istorii 1985: 10, p. 36–53 (with E.A. Melnikova and G.V. Glazyrina).
- «Russian-Scandinavian Contacts in the light of toponymy (Old Norse place names with the root aust-)», X Vsesojuznaja konferentsija po izucheniju… Skandinavskih stran i Finljandii I. Moscow 1986, p. 130–132.
- «Names of Old Rus’ and Novgorod in Old Norse literature: On the origin of place-names Garar and Hólmgarr», Skandinavskij sbornik XXX. Tallinn 1986, p. 85–95.
- «Sýrnes and Gadar: Mysterious Russian place-names in Old Norse sources», Scando-Slavica 32 (1986), p. 73–83.
- «On the history of Old Ladoga (based on saga study)», Drevnejshije gosudarstva na territorii SSSR. Materialy i issledovanija. 1985 god. Moscow 1986, p. 108–115.
- «Old Russian towns in Icelandic Kings’ sagas», Trudy V Mezdunarodnogo kongressa slavjanskoj arheologii. Moscow 1987, p. 70–76.
- «Old Norse place-names with the root aust-», Skandinavskij sbornik XXXI. Tallinn 1988, p. 140–145.
- «On the origin of the place name Izborsk», Drevnejshije gosudarstva na territorii SSSR. Materialy i issledovanija. 1986 god. Moscow 1988, p. 223–229 (with T.V. Rozhdestvenskaja).
- «Russian North in Old Norse sagas», Istorija i kultura Russkogo Severa. Leningrad 1988, p. 58–67.
- «Byzantine-Russian-Scandinavian literary connections in the eleventh century (à propós Robert Cook’s paper ‘Russian History, Icelandic Story, and Byzantine Strategy in Eymundar áttr Hringssonar’)», Kultura i obshestvo Drevnej Rusi (X–XVII vekov). Moscow 1988, p. 231–245.
- «Some disputable problems of the genesis of the Russian feudal society (to the publication of ‘Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the eighteenth century’ by Karl Marx in the Soviet Union)», Istorija SSSR, 1988: 6, p 35–57 (with E.G. Plimak).
- «Trade contacts between Novgorod and Scandinavian countries as reflected in Old Norse literature», Skandinavskij sbornik XXXII. Tallinn 1988, p. 117–128.
- «The list of Old Russian towns in Hauksbók», Drevnejshije gosudarstva na territorii SSSR. Materialy i issledovanija. 1987 god. Moscow 1989, p. 30–35.
- «The North of Eastern Europe in the ethnogeographical traditions of Old Norse Literature», Slavjane: Etnogenez i etnizeskaja istorija. Mezdisciplinarnyje issledovanija. Leningrad 1989, p. 130–135.
- «Jarl Svein in Austrvegr», Slavjane i ih sosedi: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija v epohu feodalizma. Moscow 1989, p. 16–18.
- «On the Old Norse name of Polotsk», Vsesojuznaja konferentsija «Istoricheskie nazvanija — pamjatniki kul’tury». Moscow 1989, p. 24–25.
- «Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar as a source for the history and geography of Northern Rus and the neighbouring lands in the ninth through the eleventh centuries», Voprosy istorii Evropejskogo severa (Istoriographija i istochnikovedenie). Petrozavodsk 1989, p. 128–145 (with D.A. Machinskij).
- «The Old Norse name of Novgorod in the toponymy of the route from the Varangians to the Greeks», Vspomogatelnyje istorizeskije discipliny XXI. Leningrad 1990, p. 226–238 (with A.A. Molchanov).
- «Ladoga: the origin of a name», II Vsesojuznaja konferentsija «Istoricheskie nazvanija — pamjatniki kul’tury». Moscow 1991, p. 64.
- «Palteskia ok pat ríki allt, er par liggr til», Scando-Slavica 37 (1991), p. 58–68.
- «Old Norse toponymy of Old Rus towns», Civilizacija Severnoj Evropy. Srednevekovyj gorod i kulturnyje vozdejstvija. Moscow 1992, 48–55.
- «Alexander Nevskij in the Icelandic saga», Vostochnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekovje. Chtenija pamjati V.T. Pashuto. Moscow 1993, p. 22–25.
- «Was Old Rus’ created by the Varangians? Rodina, 1993: 2, p. 81–86.
- «Schools and centers of learning in Iceland in the first centuries of christianity: To the question of the uniqueness of Old Norse literature», XII Vsesojuznaja konferentsija po izucheniju… Skandinavskih stran i Finljandii I. Moscow 1993, p. 101–103.
- «On the hydronyme Gandvík», Peterburgskij arheologicheskij vestnik 6. Saint-Petersburg 1993, p. 110–111.
- «Schools and centers of learning in Iceland in the first centuries of christianity», Evropejskaja pedagogika ot antichnosti do novogo vremeni: issledovanija i materialy I. Moscow 1993, p. 218–227.
- «Information on Alexander Nevskij in Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar», Drevnij Pskov. Issledovanija srednevekovogo goroda. Saint-Petersburg 1994, p. 124–126.
- «Ingigerd, the wife of prince Jaroslav the Wise, in Eymundar attr», Vostochnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekovje. Chtenija pamjati V.T. Pashuto. Moscow 1994, p. 14–15.
- «Novgorodian period of a Norwegian king Olav Tryggvason», Novgorodskije arheologicheskije chtenija. Novgorod, 1994, p. 118–122.
- «Aldeigjuborg: archaeology and place name study», Pamjatniki srednevekovoj kul’tury: Otkrytija i versii. Saint-Petersburg 1994, p. 77–79.
- «Principles of orientation in space in the Weltmodell of a medieval Scandinavian», Odysseus. Chelovek v istorii. 1994. Moscow 1994, p. 54–64.
- «On the Eistir of the Icelandic sagas», Arheologija i istorija Pskova. Materialy nauchnogo seminara. Pskov 1995, p. 77–78.
- «Heathens and Christians in Austrvegr», Vostochnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekovje. Chtenija pamjati V.T. Pashuto. Moscow 1995, p. 14–16.
- «Alexander Nevskij and Hakon the Old: An exchange of embassies», Knjaz’ Aleksandr Nevskij i ego epocha. Issledovanija i materialy. Saint-Petersburg, 1995, p. 134–139.
- «H.F. Müller», Istoriki Rossii XVIII–XX vekov. I Moscow 1995, p. 16–20.
- «A.L. Schlözer», Istoriki Rossii XVIII–XX vekov I Moscow 1995, p. 46–52.
- «Austrvegr — ‘The Eastern Route’», Austrvegr. Vostochnyj put’. Zhurnal ljubitelej stariny. Tallinn (1) 1995, p. 4–6.
- «Russian taxes in Eistland in the tenth century according to the Old Norse sources», Vostochnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekovje. VIII Chtenija pamjati V.T. Pashuto. Moscow 1996, p. 23–28.
- «Modern understanding of the Varangian Question», Repetitor. 1996 (pilot issue), p. 2–11.
- «A.L. Schlözer», Istoriki Rossii. XVIII — nachalo XX veka. Moscow 1996, p. 61–75.
- «Austr in the Welltbild of medieval Scandinavians», Austrvegr. Vostochnyj put’. Zhurnal ljubitelej stariny. Tallinn (2) 1996, p. 25–26.
- «Svípjód in mikla eda kalda (Sweden the Great or Cold)», Berkovsbók. Moscow 1996, p. 107–114.
- «Once again to the date of the Razgranichitelnaja gramota», Vostochnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekovje. IX Chtenija pamjati V.T. Pashuto. Moscow 1997, p. 10–13.
- «Harald the Hard Ruler in skaldic poems, Kings’ sagas and pættir», XIII Vsesojuznaja konferentsija po izucheniju… Skandinavskih stran i Finljandii. Moscow, Petrozavodsk 1997, p. 149–151.
- «On the specific character of Old Scandinavian orientational system», Saint-Petersburg 1997. P. 32–37.
- «Old Icelandic Hólmgardr», Austrvegr. Vostochnyj put’. Zhurnal ljubitelej stariny. Tallinn (3) 1997, p. 14.
- «Austrhálfa: about the mental map of medieval Scandinavians», Vestnik Rossijskogo gumanitarnogo nauchnogo fonda. 1997: 3, p. 62–66.
- «Elizaveta Jaroslavna, the wife of Harald Sigurdarson», Ladoga i religioznor soznanie: Chtenija pamjati Anny Machinskoj. Saint-Petersburg 1997, p. 146–150.
- «Pó letr Gerdr í Gördum gollhrings vid mér skolla: Lausavísur by Harald Sigurdarson in Russian translations», Scando-Slavica. 43 (1997), p. 52–67.
- «To the question of the Old Norse system of spatial orientation», Srednije veka. 60. Moscow 1997, p. 254–265.
- «Ladoga of the sagas in the light of archaeology», Divinets Staroladozhskij. Saint-Petersburg 1997, p. 61–64.
- «Year 1251, 1252, or 1257? (Dating the Russian-Norwegian negotiations)», Vostochnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekovje. X Chtenija pamjati V.T. Pashuto. Moscow 1998, p. 24–28 (with V/A/ Kuchkin).
- «Lausavísur by Harald Sigurdarson in Russian translations of the eighteenth century», Pamjatniki stariny. Kontseptsii. Otkrytija. Versii. Pamjati V.D. Beletskogo I. Saint-Petersburg, Pskov 1997, p. 197–201.
- «Landvættir in Snorri Sturluson’s Heimskringla, Tserkovnaja arheologija. Materialy vtoroj Vserossijskoj tserkovno-arheologicheskoj konferentsii. Saint-Petersburg 1998, p. 95–99
- «From Ladoga to Novgorod: Icelandic sagas on fridr for travelling, Ladoga i epoha vikingov. Chetvertye chtenija pamjati Anny Machinskoj. Saint-Petersburg 1998, p. 38–40.
- «Bjarmar — ethnic history (On the integration of history, philology and archeology)», Rossija i Vostok: Problemy vzaimodejstvija. V Mezhdunarodnaja konferentsija III. Novosibirsk 1999, p. 53–54.
- «Elizaveta Jaroslavna, the Queen of Norway», Vostochnaja Evropa v istoricheskoj retrospektive: K 80-letiju V.T. Pashuto. Moscow 1999, p. 63–71.
- «Icelandic sagas on the role of Ladoga and Ladoga region in Russian-Scandinavian trade and political relations», Rannesrednevekovyje drevnosti Severnoj Rusi i ee sosedej. Saint-Petersburg 1999, p. 20–25.
- «On heathen Vulgaria of Snorri Sturluson», Mezhdunarodnye svjazi, torgovye puti i goroda Srednego Povolzhja IX–XII vekov. Materialy Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma. Kazan’ 1999, p. 28–35.
- «Var pat svá mikit fé, at engi madr nordr í lond hafdi sét í eins manns eigu: On the nature of historical memory in Icelandic Kings’ sagas», Vostochnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekovje. XII Chtenija pamjati V.T. Pashuto. Moscow 2000, p. 149–154.
- «Norway through the eyes of medieval Scandinavians: to the question of the specific character of Scandinavian spatial orientation», Drugie srednie veka: K 75-letiju A.Ja. Gurevicha. Moscow 2000, p. 113–132 (with A.V.Podossinov).
- «This mysterious Bjarmaland», Otechestvo. Kraevedcheskij al’manah. Moscow 2000, p. 87–102.
- «Mágar Harald Sigurdarson and Sven Estridsen (on matrimonial ties and political alliances in medieval Scandinavia)», Vostochnaja Evropa v drevnosti i srednevekovje. XIII Chtenija pamjati V.T. Pashuto. Moscow 2001, p. 74–80.
- «Carolus Magnus, Magnus the Good and Sverrir Magnus: On the origin and semantics of the Old Norse name Magnús», Karl Velikij: realii i mify. Moscow 2001, p. 144–156.
Papers in other languages
- Tatjana N. Jackson. On Snorri Sturluson's Creative Activity: The Problem of Writer Intrusion into the Narrative // Arkiv för nordisk filologi. 1984. B. 99. P. 107–125.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. The North of Eastern Europe in the Ethnogeographical Nomenclature of Early Nordic Texts // The Eighth International saga Conference «The Audience of the Sagas». Preprints. Vol. I. Gothenburg 1991. P. 228–237.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Hvor var Bjarmeland? // Spor. 1992. No. 1 (7 Årgang, 13 Hefte). S. 24–25.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Norske konger i Rus'-riket på 900- og 1000-tallet – unike opplysninger i islandske kongesagaer om fire norske kongers besøk i Rus'-riket // Spor. 1992. No. 1 (7 Årgang, 13 Hefte). S. 40.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Location of Bjarmaland // Suomen varhaishistoria. Tornion kongressi 14.–16.6.1991 (Studia historica septentrionalia, 21). Rovaniemi, 1992. S. 122–130.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. The North of Eastern Europe in Early Nordic Texts: the Study of Place-Names // Arkiv för nordisk filologi. B. 108. 1993. S. 38–45.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Russian-Norwegian Relations in the Middle of the 13th Century as Depicted by Hákonar saga gamla Hákonarsonar // Níunda alþjóðlega fornsagnaþingi: Samtiðarsögur. Forprent. B. I. Akureyri, 1994. Bls. 357–364.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. The Role of Óláfr Tryggvason in the Conversion of Russia // Three Studies on Vikings and Christianization. Oslo, 1994. P. 1–17.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Svíþjóð in mikla eða kalda (Sweden the Great or Cold) // Berkovsbók. М., 1996. С. 107–114.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Ingigerd, hustru till den ryske fursten Jaroslav den Vise // «Sigtuna-porten» i Novgorod. Tre ryska forskare om några problem i svensk-rysk historia (Meddelanden och Rapporter från Sigtuna Museer. Nr 4). Sigtuna, 1997. S. 19–23.
- Tatjana N. Jackson, Alexander V. Podossinov. Norway in Old Norse Literature: Some Considerations on the Specific Character of Scandinavian Spatial Orientation // 10th International Saga Conference. «Sagas and the Norwegian Experience». Preprints. Trondheim, 1997. P. 281–291.
- Tatjana N. Jackson, Alexander V. Podossinov. Norway in Old Norse Literature: Some Considerations on the Specific Character of Scandinavia Spatial Orientation // Skandinavistik. Jhrg. 27, Ht. 2. Kiel, 1997. S. 85–97.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. On the Old Norse System of Spatial Orientation // Saga-Book of the Viking Society. Vol. XXV. P. 1. London, 1998. P. 72–82. http://www.vsnrweb-publications.org.uk/1998_XXV_1.pdf
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Bjarmaland between Norway and Old Rus // Aspects of Arctic and Sub-Arctic History: Proceedings of the International Congress on the History of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region, Reykjavík, 18–21 June 1998. Reykjavík, 2000. P. 113–120.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Vikings in the East: On the Old Norse System of Spatial Orientation // The Vikings: Navigators, Discoverers, Creators. Papers from an International conference held at «St. Kliment Orhidski» University of Sofia (May 15th – 17th 2000). Sofia, 2001. P. 143–149.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Bjarmaland Revisited // Acta Borealia. 2002. Nr. 2. P. 165–179. http://igh.academia.edu/TatjanaJackson
- Tatjana N. Jackson, Alexander V. Podossinov. The famous landvættir episode (ÓlTrygg33): a paradox of Icelandic religious consciousness? // Scandinavia and Christian Europe in the Middle ages. Papers of The 12th International Saga Conference. Bonn, 2003. P. 244–249.
- Tatjana N. Jackson, Alexander V. Podossinov. Cardinal points in the Weltbild of medieval Scandinavians: Semantics of the ‘east’ // Материалы международной конференции, посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения профессора Михаила Ивановича Стеблин-Каменского. 10–12 сентября 2003 г. СПб., 2003. С. 296–300.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. The Image of Old Rus in Old Norse Literature (a place-name study) // Middelalderforum. Oslo, 2003. N 1–2. P. 29–56.
- Norge – Russland. Naboer gjennom 1000 år / Redaktører: Daniela Büchten, Tatjana Dzjakson, Jens Petter Nielsen. Oslo, 2004.
- Tatjana Dzjakson. Bjarmeland – legender og virkelighet // Norge – Russland. Naboer gjennom 1000 år. Oslo, 2004. S. 38–39.
- Tatjana Dzjakson. Norge og Rus-riket i vikingtiden – Normannennerspørsmålet // Norge – Russland. Naboer gjennom 1000 år. Oslo, 2004. S. 40–41.
- Tatjana Dzjakson. Norge og Rus-riket i vikingtiden – Norskekongen i Gardarike // Norge – Russland. Naboer gjennom 1000 år. Oslo, 2004. S. 46–47.
- Tatjana Dzjakson. Norge og Rus-riket i vikingtiden – Olavskirken i Novgorod // Norge – Russland. Naboer gjennom 1000 år. Oslo, 2004. S. 48.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. On the Date of the First Russian-Norwegian Border Treaty // Acta Borealia. 2004. N. 2. P. 87–97.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. The Relations of the Eastern Baltic Lands with Scandinavia in the Light of Place-Name Study // Riga und der Ostseeraum. Von der Gründung 1201 bis in die Frühe Neuzeit (Tagungen zur Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, Bd. 22) / Ilgvars Misāns und Horst Wernicke (Hg.). Marburg, 2005. S. 1–9.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. On the Date of the First Russian-Norwegian Border Treaty (reprinted from Acta Borealia. 2004. N. 2. P. 87–97) // Russia – Norway: Physical and Symbolic Borders / Tatjana N. Jackson, Jens Petter Nielsen (eds.). Moscow, 2005. P. 17–28.
- Tatjana N. Jackson, Jens Petter Nielsen (eds.). Russia – Norway: Physical and Symbolic Borders. Moscow, 2005.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Ultima Thule in West European and Icelandic Traditions // Northern Studies. The Journal of the Scottish Society for Northern Studies. Vol. 39. 2005. P. 12–24.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Russian History, Icelandic Sagas and Russian Historiography of the Eighteenth to Early Twentieth Centuries // Dialogues with Tradition: Studying the Nordic Saga Heritage (Nordistica Tartuensia 14). Tartu, 2005. P. 15–44.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. The Fantastic in the Kings’ Sagas // The Fantastic in Old Norse / Icelandic Literature. Sagas and the British Isles. Preprint Papers of The Thirteenth International Saga Conference. Vol. 1. Durham, 2006. P. 426–434.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Navigare necesse est, vivere non necesse. “To sail the seas is a necessity, to live is not” // Arkiv för nordisk filologi. 121. 2006. P. 79–100.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Bjarmeland // Forpost mot Øst. Fra Vardø og Finnmarks historie. 1307–2007. Stamsund, 2008. S. 35¬–44.
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Novgorod the Great in Baltic Trade before 1300 // Acta Borealia. 2008. Vol. 25. Issue 2. P. 83–92. http://igh.academia.edu/TatjanaJackson
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Ways on the ‘Mental Map’ of Medieval Scandinavians // Analecta Septentrionalia (RGA–E. B. 65). Berlin; New York, 2009. S. 211–220. http://igh.academia.edu/TatjanaJackson
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Aldeigjuborg of the sagas in the light of archaeological data // Á austrvega. Saga and East Scandinavia. Preprint papers of The 14th International Saga Conference. Uppsala, 9th–15th August 2009 / A. Ney, H. Williams, F.Ch. Ljungqvist. Gävle, 2009. Vol. 1. P. 438–442. http://igh.academia.edu/TatjanaJackson
- Tatjana N. Jackson. The Cult of St Olaf and Early Novgorod, in Haki Antonsson and Ildar H. Garipzanov, eds., Saints and Their Lives on the Periphery. Veneration of Saints in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe (c. 1000-1200), Cursor mundi, vol. 9 (2010), pp. 147–167. http://igh.academia.edu/TatjanaJackson
- Tatjana N. Jackson. Rus’ and Scandinavia: the Orthodox-Latin division in Old Norse-Icelandic Literature and in Reality // Early Christianity on the Way from the Varangians to the Greeks / I. Garipzanov and O. Tolochko (Ruthenica. Supplementum 4). Kiev, 2011. P. 120–132. http://igh.academia.edu/TatjanaJackson
- Tatjana N. Jackson. On the Possible Sources of the Textual Map of Denmark in Göngu-Hrólfs saga // Такие лживые саги всего забавнее: Сборник статей в честь Галины Васильевны Глазыриной / Под ред. Т.Н. Джаксон. М., 2012. http://igh.academia.edu/TatjanaJackson